Powder coating is a type of coating that is applied as a
free-flowing, dry powder to the metal. It is a polyester or epoxy powder, which
is applied to an object and then heated to fuse into a protective layer.
The main difference between a conventional paint and a
powder coating is that the powder coating does not require a solvent to keep
the binder and filler parts in a liquid suspension form and curing time is significantly
faster compared to liquid coating,.
Because powder coating does not have a liquid carrier, it can produce thicker
coatings than conventional liquid coatings without running or sagging, and
powder coating produces minimal appearance differences between horizontally
coated surfaces and vertically coated surfaces. It is also better for the
environment, doesn’t require drying time and produces minimal wastage as
overspray onto the part can be retrieved and reused, unlike with traditional
liquid finishing methods. Several powder colours can be applied before curing
them all together, allowing colour blending and bleed special effects in a
single layer.
The coating is applied electrostatically and is then cured
under heat to allow it to flow and form a “skin”. It is used to create a hard
finish that is tougher than conventional paint and provides an attractive and
durable finish, offering excellent resistance to corrosion, heat, impact, and
abrasion and the choice of colours and finishes are limitless, depending only
on what the manufacturers offer.
We offer a wide variety of colours and finishes. Speak to us
about your requirements and a no obligation quotation

Integer a justo vitae arcu fermentum consequat?
Duis volutpat, mi id cursus rhoncus, purus augue aliquam arcu, sit amet rhoncus tellus neque aliquet sapien. Sed lacinia tempor orci, non lacinia purus faucibus non. Quisque pellentesque, nunc a lacinia placerat, lacus nunc condimentum elit, nec scelerisque urna nisl at turpis. Morbi nec accumsan sem. Suspendisse eget elit mauris. Phasellus velit nisi, lobortis quis nisi et, venenatis finibus velit. Integer non nibh eget arcu malesuada ullamcorper.
Sed lacinia tempor orci, non lacinia purus faucibus non. Aliquam gravida risus nec velit lacinia dapibus. Phasellus at magna id elit tristique lacinia. Integer a justo vitae arcu fermentum consequat.

Phasellus lobortis quis nisi
Pellentesque, nunc a lacinia placerat, lacus nunc condimentum elit, nec scelerisque urna nisl at turpis. Morbi nec accumsan sem. Suspendisse eget elit mauris. Phasellus velit nisi, lobortis quis nisi et, venenatis finibus velit. Integer non nibh eget arcu malesuada ullamcorper. Sed lacinia tempor orci, non lacinia purus faucibus non. Aliquam gravida risus nec velit lacinia dapibus. Phasellus at magna id elit tristique lacinia. Integer a justo vitae arcu fermentum consequat.
Quisque pellentesque, nunc a lacinia placerat, lacus nunc condimentum elit, nec scelerisque urna nisl at turpis. Morbi nec accumsan sem. Suspendisse eget elit mauris. Phasellus velit nisi, lobortis quis nisi et, venenatis finibus velit. Integer non nibh eget arcu malesuada ullamcorper.